It floats on the wind to travel great distances.Ĭan emit waves of air powerful enough to knock out prey taller than itself. Use Surf to travel south and head east to find a cave. Now go south of where Team Aqua was to find Route 122. This Pokémon plucks berries with its long tail and eats them.Ĭhimecho emits ultrasonic cries. Travel east out of Fortree City and travel along Route 120 until you reach Route 121. In high winds, Chimecho cries as it hangs from a tree branch or the eaves of a building using a suction cup on its head. When this Pokémon becomes enraged, its cries result in ultrasonic waves that have the power to knock foes flying. It can produce seven different tones.Ĭhimecho makes its cries echo inside its hollow body. It uses the sucker on its head to hang from a tree or from eaves. Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes. Mega Charizard Y (Charizardite Y) Located on Scorched Slab. Mega Charizard X (Charizardite X) Located on Fiery Path. If not, it’ll be on Route 114 from the Stone Salesman. Mega Blaziken (Blazikenite) If Torchic was your starter, this is located on Route 120. It converses using seven cries.Įmitting ultrasonic cries, it floats on winds to travel great distances. Mega Blastoise (Blastoisinite) Located on SS Tidal. To knock foes flying, it makes the air shudder with its cries. They communicate among themselves using seven different and distinguishing cries. They fly about very actively when the hot season arrives. It cleverly uses its long tail to pluck nuts and berries, which it loves to eat. This POKéMON plucks berries with its long tail and eats them. In high winds, CHIMECHO cries as it hangs from a tree branch or the eaves of a building using a suction cup on its head.

When this POKéMON becomes enraged, its cries result in ultrasonic waves that have the power to knock foes flying. Verdanturf Town – Find the little girl’s Shrromish to receive the Intriguing Stone, show this to Mr.CHIMECHO makes its cries echo inside its hollow body.Southern Island – Received during the story.Route 123 – Play 123 Go Fish and scratch Poochyena.Fortree City – Reach Platinum Rank in Secret Base Building then get it from Aarune.Visit a Pokemon Center after getting Diancie via a Special Event Updated for Pokemon X/Y & Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire Pokemon Database.Otherwise you can buy it from a seller on Route 114 after subduing the super-ancient Pokemon.If you chose Torchic as your starter then get it from Steven on Route 120.Lilycove City – Show Lisia’s fan an Altaria.Use the Dowsing Machine there to find a hidden Rare Candy. Pyre, go down the stairs until you can go east. In Alpha Sapphire, you will battle Matt, who has a level 38 Sharpedo. Rusturf Tunnel – Smash the rocks with Rock Smash In Omega Ruby, you will battle Courtney, who has a level 38 Camerupt.This means you’ll need to do some digging, or just check out this guide, which will lay out exactly where to obtain every Mega Stone available right now. But, if you want to get to this stat-boosting state then you’ll need all of the Mega Stones in your Pokemon’s hands. Introduced in last year’s Pokemon X & Y, Mega Evolution is becoming a bigger and bigger part of the Pokemon games with every new release. This year we have Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire which add in dozens of additional Mega Evolutions for old and new Pokemon.